My Story
Randal Minor is an Honorably discharged USAF Hospital Veteran and graduated in 1980 from the
United States Air Force School Of Health Care Science. Randy began his career as an Air Force
Dental Laboratory Prosthetic Technician having served at William AFB in Arizona and then
transferred to MacDill AFB Hospital in Tampa Florida in 1984 where he was a proud member of the
Macdill AFB 56th Air Transportable Hospital. Randy separated from the Air Force in 1988 to continue
his career and training as an Ocularist in the private sector. He completed a 5 year internship while
working for over 12 years with noted Ocularist and teacher, Robert Scott Ocularist Of Florida. There
he was eventually promoted to General Manager and Chief Ocularist. He opened and began
Randal Minor Ocular Prosthetics in 2005.
He is a Board Certified Ocularist, certified by the National Examining Board Of Ocularists.
He has also been awarded the qualified Ocularist designation from The State Of Florida
Department Of Education having completed the educational and technical requirements of an
10,000 hour internship (5 years) His tenure in the field includes over 35 years of growth related
experience. He has over 30 years experience in the Tampa Bay Fl. Area directly related to patient
care and the production of custom made human prosthetic eyes numbering in the thousands. Over
the years as a Master Ocularist he has helped many people, transforming in many cases tragedy
into triumph while bringing state of the art ocular prosthetics to those in need.
All prosthetic eyes are custom made entirely by Randy Minor himself in his on site laboratory with the
client or patient present as the prosthesis is fitted and artistically reproduced to exacting detail. This
process reduces repeat office visits and time required to produce the highest quality artificial eye. It
also insures the most accurate artistic representation of the natural eye.
Randal Minor Ocular Prosthetics Inc. is a family owned business specializing in human artificial
eyes and customer service, tailored to the individual needs of our clients. All information regarding
client or patient information is confidential.